Support for the Modern Workforce
“Employers that provide high-quality childcare will not only differentiate themselves from the competition but will also create a ‘sticky’ benefit that fosters retention.”
– Harvard Business Review
ON-DEMAND care matters
On-demand care is an important benefit for employees when they have a breakdown in traditional childcare. Whether it is because school is closed or the nanny calls in sick, parents need access to reliable childcare. Offering employees access to quality on-demand, in-home backup childcare reduces employee stress and minimizes disruptions in the workplace.
Bambino offers a full suite of market-leading products for employers to ensure their employees have access to on-demand childcare when necessary.
Bambino offers the nation’s largest network of fully recommended sitters.
We use safety checks, performance metrics, and a proprietary matching algorithm to connect families with qualified sitters.
Our socially-connected platform makes finding a local, trusted babysitter, easier than ever.