Let’s face it, finding a local babysitter can be a bit of a challenge, but it really doesn’t have to be. In the past, you may have turned to friends, coworkers, or neighbors, only to find that their sitters were already booked. You’ve thought about putting up a flyer at your kids’ school or daycare, but were skeptical about knowing if you could trust the references potential sitters give you? The same goes for trying to find a sitter through high school, college, or local community center chat rooms or groups But, that was then and this is now, and we’ve got a better, easier, less stressful way for you to find the sitter of your dreams.
Find a Local Babysitter the Easy Way
With today’s technology, you can order and pay for a ride, your groceries, or pizza delivery on your phone. So why not a babysitter? Welcome to Bambino!
Now, you can see who your friends and neighbors are hiring to sit for them and see how they rate them. You can see the sitters, see their rates, see their skills. You’ll also be able to check their availability, allowing you to schedule a sitter when you want one, instead of scheduling around their extracurricular activities. You’ll be able to leave the house for date night, girls’ night or yoga, relaxed and sure that the kids are in good hands.
See How Your Friends & Neighbors Rate Their Sitters
Bambino is different from other babysitter apps. We use personal and social networks, like Facebook, to create a network so you can see who your friends have used and how they rate them. From there we can connect you with the perfect sitter for you, your kids, and your situation. This means you’re sure to be only looking at local babysitters, who are closest to you and not across a vast database of strangers. You’re getting actual recommendations from friends and neighbors who have kids that go to your kids’ schools, are in your kids’ taekwondo class, or that you’ve met at the Mommy and Me class at the library.
You don’t have to wade through a list of potential sitters; instead, we use community feedback, sitter performance metrics, and a special matching algorithm, to match you and your kids to the right local babysitter. Plus, Bambino puts all sitters through comprehensive safety checks.
With Bambino, you can see how many star ratings a sitter got from other moms, see what other skills they offer, such as cooking meals, CPR training, or taking care of infants, and how much their rates are. You find, book and pay all through the app, which is free to download. You only pay once a local sitter watches your kids.
Always Have a Back-Up
Wouldn’t it be nice to have not just one great local babysitter, but a couple of backups as well? We all know how easy it is to get attached to a sitter only to have them graduate and go to college or get a full-time job. We’ve all experienced the disappointment of having to cancel plans because the sitter called in sick. Bambino lets you create your own team of sitters, ready to step in when one can’t make it.
Hey, we get it. We’re parents, too, and we know that sometimes you just need a break from the demands of parenting. That’s why we’ve made it easy to find the right sitter, who you can trust and your kids will love. So drop everything (except the baby) and schedule that date night, text the girls, or pull out the yoga pants because you’ve got a sitter!