Your mental health is just as important as your physical health.
When it comes to our daily lives, there are stressors everywhere! From work to relationships to budgets and the biggest job of all, parenting, it can feel like there’s no time for you. But, taking a few minutes a day to focus on our mental health will develop habits that feel like a no-brainer.
Here are a few of our team’s favorite mental health resources.

Thrive25 provides quick-read, daily newsletters to help you live longer, better, and smarter.

Mindful Mamas is a daily wellness app for mothers at every stage.

Headspace is an online and app platform with meditation and mindfulness activities. Headspace also offers its services free for teens.

Obé Fitness offers on-demand workout and meditation classes. Their on-demand offering includes prenatal workouts.

Real provides digital tools that make mental health care a sustainable, ongoing, and essential part of your life.

Maple is a planning and organizing app for your home and family. Checking things off our to-do list feels so good!
Mom-guilt creeps up on all of us. Hopefully, these tips and resources can help you add a few minutes a day to focus on yourself and practice your mental health. You deserve it!
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